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Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image Clay-Platte Home Educators Clay-Platte Home Educators

Code of Conduct




Clay-Platte Home Educators Corporation (CPHE) exists to provide information, training and support to local homeschooling parents in an effort to assist them in their God-given responsibility to direct the education and training of children, to the glory of God. To fulfill this mission, CPHE provides members with many opportunities such as:

  • Eagle’s Wings Cooperative

  • Steel Eagles Robotics Team

  • Science Fair

  • Geography and Spelling Bees

  • Speech and Debate Tournament

  • Graduation Ceremony and Senior Prom

  • Numerous field trips and other activities 

It is expected that member families who choose to participate in these opportunities will follow the rules and expectations set forth below. These rules and expectations shall apply to all CPHE-hosted events.



All students and parents will conduct themselves in a manner which reflects positively on Christ, on homeschooling, on CPHE, and on our families. This includes being courteous and obedient at all times.  

  • No profanity, vulgar, or insulting language is to be used at any time.
  • No public displays of affection shall be tolerated excepting that which is proper between a husband and wife in public (e.g. holding hands).
  • No violence between persons will be permitted. This includes hitting, biting, kicking, shoving, pinching, punching, slapping, pushing, scratching, etc.
  • Parents are responsible for their children’s actions and are expected to model Christ-like behavior.
  • Punctuality and timeliness should be exhibited except under extenuating circumstances.
  • As a general rule, personal space should be respected by everyone, with hands kept to yourself, excepting in the curtailing of untoward behavior of any minor child.

Parental complaints or issues concerning a CPHE-hosted event or activity should be shared after the event is over with a member of the appropriate committee, field trip sponsor, or member of the CPHE Board of Directors.

As homeschoolers and professing Christians, our behavior should be above reproach.



All behavior shall be respectful of the personal, church, or business property at which the CPHE-hosted event or activity is being held.

Smoking is prohibited at all CPHE-hosted events and activities.



First offense

The first time a child behaves inappropriately at a CPHE-hosted event or activity, an/the adult in charge will give a verbal warning.

Parents will be notified of the inappropriate behavior and the verbal warning given.

The adult in charge will also submit a Notification of Verbal Warning to the Committee in charge of the event.

Second offense

Another verbal warning shall be given the second time a child behaves inappropriately, and the child may be asked to sit out of the activity for a time specified by an/the adult in charge.

Parents will again be notified of the behavior, verbal warning, and the time out given.

The adult in charge will also submit another Notification of Verbal Warning to the Committee in charge of the event.

Third offense

If a child ignores verbal warnings for a third time, their right to participate in the event/activity will be suspended for a length of time determined by the Committee/Board members in charge.

Parents will be notified to collect their child immediately and given a written notification of suspension detailing behaviors, prior warnings given, and length of suspension.  A copy of the notification of suspension will be kept on file for five (5) years. 

Fourth offense

Upon return from suspension, if a child again exhibits the inappropriate behavior for which he/she was suspended, that child will be expelled from that event/activity for the rest of the academic year.

Parents will be notified to collect their child immediately and receive written notification of expulsion recapping all prior disciplinary measures and details of expulsion from that event/activity for the remainder of the academic year. A copy of the notification of expulsion will be kept on file for five (5) years.


Serious infractions (i.e. violence towards others with malicious intent) may result in immediate suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the Committee/Board member(s) in charge of the event or activity, without an initial verbal warning being given.

No refunds will be given for disciplinary-related suspensions or expulsions.



Members may appeal the expulsion decision to the Board of Directors within five (5) days of the date of expulsion. Appeals must be received in writing, either via email or hand delivery to a sitting member of the Board. 

 Appeal letters must include:

  • The student’s name

  • Event from which the student has been expelled

  • The stated reason for expulsion from the expulsion letter received

  • An explanation or reasoning for the reversal request

The Board of Directors will call a Special Meeting within one week (7 days) of receipt of the appeal. The decision, reached by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors, shall be final.  

A final decision letter shall be written and delivered to the member who has appealed and the Committee/Board Member in charge of the event. Copies of the appeal and final appeal letters will be kept on file for five (5) years. 



Parents are expected to accompany their children on field trips and other CPHE-hosted one-time events and activities. If they cannot do so, they must find a substitute before the event and notify the person in charge of the substitution.

Parents and parental substitutes are responsible for the behavior of their children during the event/activity.

The person in charge of the event/activity will give a verbal warning to the student and his/her parent/parent substitute upon the first instance of inappropriate behavior.

If the behavior continues after a verbal warning is given, the person in charge of the event may choose to either give a second verbal warning or require that the student leave immediately.

At the discretion of the person in charge, serious infractions (i.e. violence towards others) may result in immediate expulsion from the event/activity without an initial verbal warning being given.

No refunds will be given for disciplinary-related expulsions.